Automator Plans & Subscriptions

Free Random Executor:

The Free Random Executor is designed to run tasks continuously without any predefined limits. It performs actions without using browser sessions or cookies, meaning each action is treated as if it’s coming from a new, anonymous user. This makes it ideal for generating high volumes of activity without being tracked or recognized as a returning visitor.

Use Case

Best suited for scenarios where you need to maximize traffic quickly, such as boosting page views, stress-testing systems, or performing repetitive actions where being recognized as a returning user isn’t necessary. Since it runs without stopping, it’s perfect for large-scale, ongoing automation needs where you want to keep the activity going indefinitely.


PRO Random Executor

The PRO Random Executor is built to run task continiously without any predefined limits. It reuses browser sessions and cookies, ensuring that each action mimics a returning visitor.

Use Case

Best suited for scenarios where you need to maximize traffic quickly, such as boosting page views, stress-testing systems, or performing repetitive’s perfect for large-scale, ongoing automation needs where you want to keep the activity going indefinitely. This automator is perfect for scenarios where you need to maintain authenticity and credibility.

PRO Orderly Executor

The PRO Orderly Executor is built for precision, allowing you to set predefined limits on your automation tasks. It reuses browser sessions and cookies, ensuring that each action mimics a returning visitor. You can specify how many times a task should be executed, whether a specific browser can repeat a task, and other parameters to ensure your automation meets exact needs.

Use Case

Ideal for tasks that require metered or controlled actions, such as subscribing, commenting, or interacting with content where being recognized as a returning user is crucial. This automator is perfect for scenarios where you need to maintain authenticity and credibility, with the added ability to limit and control the scope of your automation.